Is Project Documentation Crucial?

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Is Project Documentation Crucial?

Documentation as a tool.


1 min read


While some engineers might perceive it as a waste of time, documentation is a crucial aspect with tons of benefits.

What's Documentation?

Basically, project documentation is the act of keeping note of the current software product. This includes the development technologies, tools, steps, testing measures, usability aspects, etc.

Why Documentation?

Imagine a scenario where there is an outbreak of anything e.g an epidemic, and someone working on a specific feature of an ongoing project gets infected. The engineer will immediately be hospitalized but you still have to meet project deadlines. Another engineer will step in to proceed with the feature but he/she would be challenged to easily figure out the start.


This scenario, calls for a documentation to smoothen the procedure by providing clear steps for reproducing the feature and available faults, hence making the process more agile.


Engineers and project/product managers should ensure proper documentation for all ongoing projects as a measure for resolving timeline delays in case of emergency.


I'm Andrew, I love sharing my knowledge and expertise to the world through text and software as we grow together.